Snipers Are Cheaper Than Lawyers, a sniper-thriller series by Cliff Harrison. A Vigilante Justice Series beginning in 2024. No one is immune to these crosshairs.

A Vigilante Justice sniper-thriller where you don’t want to find yourself in the collateral-damage zone. When there is no place to hide, don’t even bother running…


Sunrise Mountain Publishing is a wholly-owned operating company of HARRISON HOLDING.   HARRISON HOLDING is a Clifford G. Harrison company.

                                                                   Agenda One™ is a Harrison Holding Humanitarian Operating Company

BLM Helicopter Chasing Wild Horses

Liberators of the Oppressed​
These Are the Alpha Teams
The Elite of the Elite, the Liberators of the Oppressed:

Wild Horses are abused and cruelty to animals is being used by the BLM in Nevada and other western states. It is time to stop the cruelty to animals abuse by the BLM end the torture, killing and injury of wild horses and burros NOW!


Fiction Thriller Under Pen Name Clippy Harrison

Snipers Are Cheaper Than Lawyers, a sniper-thriller series by Cliff Harrison. Short-reads series coming soon with full-length long-read series starting in 2024.


Coming in early 2024 BK1

Books & Humanitarianism



Las Vegas, Nevada USA

These Are the Alpha Teams

The Elite of the Elite,

the Liberators of the Oppressed:

Our Websites & Communication Centers

Sunrise Mountain Publishing™ is a Trademark of Sunrise Mountain Publishing™, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89104


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Cliff is no longer active in humanitarian projects due to health and aging. But he highly recommends contributions to these worthy causes… More discussion concerning humanitarian activity will be added shortly. 

November 2021